Before and after liposuction of the neck in a 39-year-old woman with lipodystrophy (excess unwanted fat) in the submental region of her neck, under her chin. At the same time as a breast augmentation, she wanted to improve the contour of her jawline.
Liposuction permanently removed fat through two tiny incisions under her jawline. After surgery, she wore a compressive chin strap for two weeks, and gradually resumed exercise at one month.
Early follow up photos are shown 3 months after surgery. Her scars are starting to fade, and she is actively applying scar gel and massaging her incisions. She knew going into surgery that her incisions would take a while to fade - she removed her makeup for these follow up photos but normally conceals the incisions with coverup.
*All photos are actual patient photographs and are for illustrative purposes only. Individual results may vary.