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Before and after left cheek scar revision in a 60-year-old woman who had prior Mohs surgery for skin cancer. Her past surgery had left an unusual looking bump on her left jawline that made her self-conscious. She was delighted that she could achieve improvement of this area via a scar revision.

At the same time as an aesthetic procedure on her breasts and body, a scar revision removed skin and fat from her jawline area. A local tissue rearrangement was performed to help smooth out her lower cheek contour.

Follow up photos are shown 1 year after surgery, with a mature scar and improve contour. She removed her makeup from the long upper cheek scar for this photo - this part of the scar was not modified in our scar revision procedure.


*All photos are actual patient photographs and are for illustrative purposes only. Individual results may vary.

Dr Karen Horton