Before and after abdominoplasty and liposuction as components of a Mommy Makeover in a 47-year-old woman. She had a history of post-partum rectus diastasis and lipodystrophy of the abdomen, pubis, flanks and upper inner and outer thighs, and wished to have correction of her diastasis and excision of excess lower abdominal skin.
A tummy tuck removed excess skin and fat, shown in the last image, including a circular segment of fat from around the umbilicus before inset. Long-term follow up photos are shown over 2 years after surgery. Her scars are fading nicely and taking their time, which is no surprise given her propensity to form post-inflammatory hyperpigmentation.
After surgery, she was motivated to become more healthy and ended up losing more weight, motivated by the fact that she was finally seeing the benefit of all her hard work. She loves her results, and “would do it all over again”!
*All photos are actual patient photographs and are for illustrative purposes only. Individual results may vary.