Before and after liposuction of the neck and jowl region in a 53-year-old woman. She wanted to improve the contour of her jawline and under her chin, but wasn’t psychologically ready for a full neck lift. Liposuction was an appropriate procedure to “tide her over” until she was ready for a MACS lift, our procedure of choice to improve the neck contour.
Performed under local anesthesia with inhaled laughing gas and an oral anti-anxiety medication, liposuction permanently removed fat through two incisions hidden under her jawline. After surgery, she wore a chin strap as compression around-the-clock for the first week, then at night until the three week mark.
Follow up photos are shown 4 months after surgery. She is very satisfied with her results - and will let us know if and when she wants to proceed with more invasive facial aesthetic surgery, which will more effectively lift her jowls and improve submental skin contour.
*All photos are actual patient photographs and are for illustrative purposes only. Individual results may vary.