Before and after abdominoplasty and liposuction as part of a Mommy Makeover in a 55-year-old mother of three children, including one set of twins.
She previously had a saline breast augmentation and some sort of abdominal cosmetic procedure which created some scars, but did not involve muscle repair or body contouring. Her goal was to have a flatter tummy and to get rid of her “saddlebags” (fat collections at the outer thighs) at the same time as a breast procedure.
A tummy tuck revised the old lower abdominal scar, removed excess lower abdominal skin and fat, repaired her rectus diastasis and two small midline hernias, redraped her abdominal skin snugly downwards, and inset her belly button through a new incision.
Liposuction permanently removed excess fat from her armpits and bra rolls, upper and lower abdomen, pubic region, and upper inner and outer thighs. After surgery, her abdominal drains were removed at postoperative day five and she wore a lower body compression garment for six weeks to provide external support to her muscle repair and to help with swelling.
Follow up photos are shown 3 months after surgery, with normal residual swelling of her thighs that will take up to a full year to go away. She is doing scar therapy, is back doing all her normal exercise and already can appreciate her post-pregnancy transformation!
*All photos are actual patient photographs and are for illustrative purposes only. Individual results may vary.