Before and after bilateral upper eyelid lift in a 64-year-old woman. At the same time as a lower facelift/neck lift using the MACS lift technique, she wanted to improve the tired look to her upper eyelids. She unconsciously needed to raise her eyebrows in order to see better, due to her droopy upper eyelid skin.
An upper lid blepharoplasty was performed while she was under general anesthesia for her other facial aesthetic procedure. After surgery, she slept with a few extra pillows for a week to help decrease swelling and bruising.
She took a full month off work to recover and resumed unrestricted exercise at four weeks as well. Follow up photos are shown 3 months after surgery. Note the more relaxed position of her eyebrows in the after photos and a natural looking result.
*All photos are actual patient photographs and are for illustrative purposes only. Individual results may vary.