Before and after labiaplasty in a 63-year-old woman. She was seeking a procedure to give her more comfort when she exercised, wore yoga pants and had sex. She was relieved to know that she “wasn’t too old” and that it wasn’t “totally ridiculous” to consider having surgery in her sixties.
Plastic Surgery isn’t for everyone, but when done with full “informed consent,” meaning that when a patient understands the risks and benefits of surgery, the alternatives (including not having surgery), expected outcomes and potential complications and feels that this procedure is the right one for them, there really is no age limit. Patients should be healthy enough to undergo a surgical procedure, have the proper amount of downtime and have someone available to help them at home for the first night after surgery.
A labiaplasty trimmed excess length from her labia minora in a straightforward procedure performed under local anesthesia. Follow up photos are shown 6 weeks after surgery. She is elated with her decision to have surgery and wishes she hadn’t waited so long!
*All photos are actual patient photographs and are for illustrative purposes only. Individual results may vary.