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Before and after breast reconstruction by reduction and lift in a 61-year-old woman who was previously treated for left breast cancer with lumpectomy and radiation therapy. Since the tumor removal involved in the lower pole of the breast, she was left with deformity that made her never want to look at herself in the mirror and caused her to wear a bra even in intimate settings.

Her reconstruction involved a local tissue rearrangement on the left (breast lift using the auto-augmentation technique) and a right balancing breast reduction and lift. Liposuction removed fat from her bra rolls and armpit region (the axillary rolls).

Follow up photos are shown 9 months after surgery. Note that the left radiated side still has some stiffness and visible lower pole defect deformity – this unfortunately is permanent after radiation. However, she does have significantly improved symmetry to her breasts, which was the goal of this procedure.

She has been offered a future implant to help round out the lower pole of her left breast or a series of free fat grafting procedures, both of which she is not interested in. She achieved her goal for this surgery – which is the most important aspect of knowing when to stop: when our patient’s goals have been met. Additional revisions will always be available to her, should she choose to revisit reconstruction down the road.


*All photos are actual patient photographs and are for illustrative purposes only. Individual results may vary.

Dr Karen Horton