Before and after bilateral breast reconstruction revision in a 46-year-old breast cancer survivor. Her completely submuscular implants sat remarkably high due to their placement under the muscle, nearly under her collarbones. Her pectoral muscles were chronically contracted, causing breast deformity and pain. Following chemotherapy and radiation therapy, her right breast was even tighter than the left, amplified further by her right hand dominance.
Her breast revision involved removal of her old textured silicone implants, replacement of her pectoralis major muscles to the chest wall and reconstruction of her normal muscular anatomy. New smooth round silicone gel breast implants were inserted on top of the muscle, in the prepectoral position, which alleviated her animation deformity, malposition and symptoms.
Bilateral nipple reconstruction was performed using the local flap technique, and medical tattoo created two new areola circles. Liposuction removed excess fat from her bra rolls and armpit region.
Follow up photos are shown 1 year after surgery. She still has some asymmetry but the improvement after one revision surgery is impressive. Additional outpatient scar revisions under local anesthesia can further achieve further improvement.
*All photos are actual patient photographs and are for illustrative purposes only. Individual results may vary.