Before and after breast reduction and lift with liposuction of the axillary rolls in a 54-year-old woman. She had difficulty exercising, had developed deep shoulder grooves due to the weight of her breasts in her bra pulling downward for over forty years, and she was “over them!”
A breast reduction removed over a pound and a half of breast tissue from each side. Nearly a liter of fat was suctioned out via liposuction. After surgery, she took a full month off work and got out of her comfort zone, not running her company and having a million things to do every day. She actually found the time off her crazy lifestyle and the related rest, rejuvenating.
Sensation to her nipples returned within months (this often takes a full year or longer), and she resumed exercise (wearing just a light sports bra) at six weeks. She loves being able to wear whatever top or swimsuit she likes now, and just a light bralette – or no bra at all.
Follow up photos are shown a year and a half after surgery. The scars at the ends of her inframammary folds are still pink and a little thicker than the rest of her incisions, which is absolutely normal. In some patients, it can take 2-3 years or longer for their scars to completely flatten and fade.
*All photos are actual patient photographs and are for illustrative purposes only. Individual results may vary.