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Before and after bilateral breast revision in a 46-year-old woman. She had several past breast procedures which left her with breast asymmetry, bottoming out and superior malposition of her nipples so they lay too high on her breast and peeked out of her bathing suit tops, and stretched scars. She was happy with her current breast implant size but hated the look of her breasts outside of clothes.

The major reason for her deformity and bottoming out was that a breast lift was attempted with only a lollipop scar. When there is droop to the breast, a horizontal incision hidden in the fold of the breast is usually required to remove excess skin and create a round bottom to the breast mound. In her case, the vertical limb of the lollipop scar was excessively long, causing a poor aesthetic result.

She wanted to minimize the extent of surgery as she had to travel often for work. She was delighted to learn that a revision could be done awake, under local anesthesia in our office operating room! In general, after procedures such as hers, patients can shower in around two days and exercise or travel by two weeks as long as all bruising is resolved.

Her revision involved creating a new incision in the fold of her breast and removal of excess skin in the lower pole of the breast. opening her existing incisions in the fold under her breast, removing mesh that had not healed from past surgeries and was contributing to the deformity, and reconstruction of each inframammary fold with a strong, slowly dissolving suture. Once the suture dissolves and goes away, healing is complete, and the fold correction should be permanent.

Follow up photos are shown 6 months after surgery. Pink, firm scars are completely normal for this stage of healing – we can see how nicely her scars will look when they mature by observing her other breast scars. She is incredibly pleased with her results and grateful that she did not require a general anesthetic or drains.


*All photos are actual patient photographs and are for illustrative purposes only. Individual results may vary.

Dr Karen Horton