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Before and after bilateral breast revision in a 60-year-old breast cancer survivor. After her left lumpectomy and radiation therapy, she had a cancer recurrence and required a mastectomy – she chose to have removal of both of her breasts. Implants were placed for reconstruction under the muscle.

She lived with them for many years, but was limited in her physical activities due to a severe animation deformity whenever she engaged her chest muscles. She knew there must be a solution for her.

Her revision involved reopening her mastectomy incisions, removing her textured silicone implants, and separating her pectoralis major muscle from the undersurface of the breast skin. Contraction of these muscles pulls the skin dramatically up and out, creating the animation deformity seen in her flexion photos. The muscles were returned to the chest wall and reattached to the sternum and the ribs.

The original space where her breast was, on top of the muscle, was restored. New smooth round silicone gel breast implants were placed on top of the muscle, in the prepectoral position. Liposuction removed excess fat from her armpits and bra rolls – the axillary rolls.

Follow up photos are shown 6 months after surgery. This procedure is our most common breast implant revision – converting implants from under the muscle to on top of the muscle. You can see the difference for yourself!


*All photos are actual patient photographs and are for illustrative purposes only. Individual results may vary.

Dr Karen Horton