Before and after bilateral breast reduction and lift in a 37-year-old woman. She had decided she was not going to have children and wanted to “treat herself” to a procedure she had thought about for years – a mastopexy and small reduction so that she would not need to wear a bra!
All breast reductions always include a major “local tissue rearrangement” using the “auto-augmentation” method of mastopexy. Liposuction removed excess unwanted fat from the armpits and bra rolls.
We counsel patients that reshaping of the breasts after a breast reductions or lift is enduring – with body changes such as menopause or weight gain, the breasts should maintain their shape and perkiness.
Long-term follow up photos are shown 10 years after surgery. Her scars are mature and faded, and still present but hidden in bras and triangle-top bikinis. She has gone through menopause and gained a little weight, which was distributed evenly throughout her body. Her breasts still have an aesthetically pleasing shape, and she is still incredibly happy with her results!
*All photos are actual patient photographs and are for illustrative purposes only. Individual results may vary.