Before and after bilateral breast revision in a 67-year-old breast cancer survivor with previously placed submuscular implants. Her right breast implant was contracted, tight and chronically infected. As she was right-handed, she found daily tasks were difficult to perform without pain due to a tight pectoralis muscle that was stretched over the implant.
Her revision involved removal of the old textured implants, replacement of her pectoralis major muscles to the chest wall and reconstruction of her muscular anatomy, thorough cleaning of the right breast pocket, and insertion of a new smooth round silicone gel breast implants on top of the muscle. The new prepectoral implants sat much more naturally in her breast pockets and relieved her of the chronic pain and tightness immediately upon waking up after surgery!
A breast lift on the left helped to reshape the left breast to better match the right side and lifted the nipple and areola position. Follow up photos are shown 5 months after surgery. She is ready for nipple and areola reconstruction and is looking into three-dimensional medical tattoo. We have a number of local medical tattoo artists we refer to near San Francisco who have extensive experience with breast cancer survivors.
*All photos are actual patient photographs and are for illustrative purposes only. Individual results may vary.