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Before and after bilateral mastopexy and liposuction of the axillary rolls in a 67 year old woman. She had a breast reduction 30 years before. Since that time, her breasts had flattened out and lost their shape – this is likely due to the technique (inferior pedicle without liposuction) done in the past. Her wedding was coming up in several months – she wanted to look her best when she tied the knot with her new love! We recommend patients allow at least 3-6 months of healing before a major event like a wedding.

She was worried she was too old for surgery, but she was cleared by her Family Doctor to have general anesthesia and a several hour long Plastic Surgery procedure. We do everything possible during surgery to prevent anesthesia-related complications such as blood clots forming in the legs (DVT), and we keep our patients warm throughout their operation with an underbody and surface non-forced air warming system with decreases bleeding and infection risks.

Together with an abdominoplasty and liposuction of several liters of unwanted fat from her arms, upper back and bra roll, abdomen, circumferential flanks and upper inner and outer thighs, a breast lift reshaped her breast tissue. The nipples were lifted, her breast tissue was moved into a subcutaneous pocket higher up on her chest wall, the breast width was narrowed, and liposuction of the bra rolls created definition to the sides of her breasts.

After surgery, she wore an upper compression garment that limited swelling and bruising and encouraged her skin to mold to its new form. Early follow up photos are shown two and a half months after surgery. She can already see progress in her midsection and she can’t wait to try on fitted strapless wedding dresses! (No bra needed).


*All photos are actual patient photographs and are for illustrative purposes only. Individual results may vary.

Dr Karen Horton