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Before and after bilateral breast augmentation revision in a 55 year old woman. She felt like her breasts were too projecting, and the high nipple and areola on the left bothered her as it peeked out of her tank tops and bras. Both implants had capsular contracture, worst on the right. Her right implant sat up too high with a too-narrow pocket and the left implant was too low.

The reason for her mismatch in nipple height is “bottoming out” of her breast implant. This occurs due to rotation of the nipple upwards – when you slip on a banana peel, your foot slides forwards and upwards – this is what happens to the nipple when the implant sits too low, below the breast fold. Correction of a high nipple involves revision of the fold – securing it to the lining over the ribs will fix the fold and occasional removal of excess skin will lower the nipple so it better matches the height on the other breast.

Her breast revision included removal of her old high profile textured implants, reconstruction of the left inframammary fold, and insertion of new low profile smooth round subglandular silicone gel breast implants, placed on top of the muscle. Her left inframammary fold was reconstructed to correct the high nipple.

Follow up photos are shown 6 weeks after surgery.


*All photos are actual patient photographs and are for illustrative purposes only. Individual results may vary.

Dr Karen Horton