Before and after a breast reduction and lift in a 41 year old woman. Her breasts were hanging nearly down to her belly button, with a pendulous, matronly shape. A breast reduction removed some excess tissue from the bottom of her breasts, but maintained good volume to keep her breasts proportional to the rest of her body.
Her breast tissue was rearranged to a higher, perkier shape where the entire breast now lies above the breast fold (previously most of it hung below the fold!). Liposuction removed excess fat from her armpit regions and the back fat/bra roll area.
Early follow up photos are shown two months after surgery. Her incisions are healing well and she is ready to start scar therapy. The firm swelling at the sides of her breasts from liposuction will gradually be reabsorbed over time.
*All photos are actual patient photographs and are for illustrative purposes only. Individual results may vary.