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Before and after breast reduction in a 52 year old athletic woman.  She ran marathons but had to wear two or three sports bras to prevent severe pain and bouncing of her heavy, pendulous breasts while exercising. 

A breast reduction removed much of her heavy tissue and reshaped her breasts to a perkier and more youthful shape.  Whereas much of her breasts lay below the fold of her breasts before surgery, after surgery she did not need to wear a bra, and loved the much higher position of her breasts on her chest wall!  All her breast tissue now lies above the inframammary fold, where it will stay. 

Follow up photos are shown at 6 months after surgery.  Her scars are maturing nicely and have not yet fully matured, as evidenced by the pink color that is from increased blood flow to the still-healing incisions.  Her nipple sensation is nearly normal at just a half year after surgery.  Full return of sensation often takes a full year or more.  Nerve connections are maintained to the nipple, so that erogenous sensation of the breasts will return. 

She still has some firm swelling (edema) at the sides of her breasts from liposuction that was done here to contour her bra roll region during her breast reduction.  Her scars will continue to mature over the next 6 months.


*All photos are actual patient photographs and are for illustrative purposes only. Individual results may vary.

Dr Karen Horton