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Before and after bilateral breast revision in a 26 year old woman with old submuscular breast implants.  She had a severe animation deformity that was causing pain with exercise.  A periareolar mastopexy (Benelli or donut lift) had stretched her areolas and made them larger than before!

Her breast revision involved removing her old implants, replacing her pectoralis major muscles tot the chest wall, inserting new smooth round silicone gel breast implants on top of the muscle (subglandular position), and converting the breast lift to a traditional lollipop incision.  The vertical incision takes the pressure off the circular incision, which naturally wants to stretch due to centripetal force.

Follow up photos are shown 3 months after surgery.  Her breasts look more normal, and she is finally comfortable when she exercises!  Her incisions will fade over the next year as she performs scar therapy.


*All photos are actual patient photographs and are for illustrative purposes only. Individual results may vary.

Dr Karen Horton