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Before and after bilateral breast implant revision in a 52-year-old woman with capsular contracture, pain and deformity. Her implants demonstrated “superior malposition”, where they sat up too high due to constricting scar tissue around the implants - particularly evident on the right side. Her goal was a more natural look and relief of her discomfort, but to keep implants.

Bilateral capsulectomy removed scar tissue from around her implants. New smooth round silicone gel breast implants were placed on top of the muscle, in the subglandular position. A piece of scar tissue from inside each breast pocket was sent to the Microbiology lab at the hospital for bacterial analysis - thankfully, it was clear, giving her hope that capsular contracture would not recur.

Her old breast lift scars were redone, lifting her nipples and removing excess baggy skin from the lower pole of her breasts. After surgery, her drains stayed in for a week to remove wound fluid as she was healing. She began scar massage and applying scar gel at 6 weeks postop.

Follow up photos are shown 6 months after surgery. Her scars are pink as expected, given their level of immaturity. It will take a full year for the extra blood supply to healing incisions to recede and for her scars to fade and look more like their preoperative appearance - faded, flat and mature.


*All photos are actual patient photographs and are for illustrative purposes only. Individual results may vary.

Dr Karen Horton