Before and after bilateral breast revision with liposuction of the axillary rolls in a 59-year-old woman. She had a breast augmentation under the muscle over twenty years previously and had many of the stigmata of implants under the muscle including superior malposition on the chest (sitting extremely high up), an animation deformity and “pseudoptosis,” where the breast tissue looks droopy relative to the abnormally high position of the implants.
Her breast augmentation revision included removal of her old implants from under the muscle, reconstruction of her chest muscle anatomy by resuturing her pectoralis major muscles back to the sternum and the ribs and inserting new smooth round silicone gel breast implants on top of the muscle, in the prepectoral or subglandular position.
Aggressive liposuction removed several liters of fat from her armpits and bra rolls. Long-term follow up photos are shown 2 years after surgery. Her previous implant malposition, pseudoptosis and animation deformity were all corrected simply by changing the plane of her implants from under the muscle to on top!
*All photos are actual patient photographs and are for illustrative purposes only. Individual results may vary.