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Before and after bilateral explantation and capsulectomy in a 62 year old woman with 30 year old breast implants. Her second generation silicone gel breast implants had ruptured (as is common over time for implants inserted in the 1980’s) and were uncomfortable.

This patient “had good fun with them for years”, but after menopause her body changed and she no longer felt like her breasts suited her. She had an animation deformity and double bubble on the right due to a submuscular position of the implants and bottoming out.

Both implant were removed through her existing inframammary fold scar and a total capsulectomy removed the surrounding scar capsule. She had drains that stayed in place for 8 days after surgery and she took three weeks off exercise.

Follow up photos are shown 5 weeks postoperatively. When it is known that implants are ruptured, implant removal is best done in the operating room so that the pocket can be adequately cleaned out for the very best outcome.


*All photos are actual patient photographs and are for illustrative purposes only. Individual results may vary.

Dr Karen Horton