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Before and after right delayed implant reconstruction in a 56-year-old breast cancer survivor. She was previously treated with a right lumpectomy and radiation, followed by bilateral mastectomies and implant reconstructions. Unfortunately, she developed a severe right breast implant infection requiring explantation.

One year later, her radiated skin was soft and mobile, and ready for reinsertion of an implant. Her past tummy tuck and aggressive liposuction of her inner thighs took away the DIEP flap and TUG flap as breast reconstruction options for her.

A full-sized smooth, round silicone gel breast implant was placed on top of the muscle on the right, in the prepectoral position. No mesh or ADM was used. Liposuction of her axillary rolls and bra rolls helped to improve the appearance of the sides of her breasts.

Scar revisions on the left breast improved its shape. Bilateral areola tattoo brightened up both nipples and areolas to create more definition as they were very pale. Follow up photos are shown three months postoperatively. The tattoo color intensity will gradually fade to a more normal look over time.

She has greatly improved symmetry, despite the right radiated breast sitting up somewhat hider on the chest, as is expected for radiated tissue. She can finally move forward with her life after facing breast cancer and will follow up with us yearly.


*All photos are actual patient photographs and are for illustrative purposes only. Individual results may vary.

Dr Karen Horton