Before and after left breast reconstruction revision in a 59 year old breast cancer survivor. Her past implant reconstruction after a right mastectomy had developed Grade IV (painful with deformity) capsular contracture after significant radiation therapy. She required a tissue based reconstruction – i.e. a flap.
She had a history of abdominoplasty (tummy tuck), and so the DIEP flap was not an option for her. However, she was a good candidate for a TUG flap. Her right implant was removed together with constricting scar tissue. Her left upper inner thigh skin and fat was harvested as a microvascular free flap and was transplanted to the right chest to reconstruct her breast.
Both areolas were tattooed later in the office for the very best symmetry. Long term follow up photos are shown four and a half years after surgery. Even though only one inner thigh was used for reconstruction, she still has good symmetry of her thigh contour
*All photos are actual patient photographs and are for illustrative purposes only. Individual results may vary.