Before and after breast lift in a 30 year old woman. She had a curvy frame and was worried about being made too small so that her breasts were not in proportion to the rest of her body. Just a small amount of breast tissue was to be removed in her procedure – the majority of the work was to rearrange her breast tissue higher on her chest.
A mastopexy did just that – reshaped her breasts to a more perky shape that remained proportional to her frame. Liposuction of the axillary rolls defatted the back fat/bra roll region.
Follow up photos are shown 9 months after surgery. Her incisions are still darkly pigmented, which is normal in darker skinned patients. She is still doing scar therapy and avoiding direct sun exposure of her scars. They will continue to fade over the next half a year.
*All photos are actual patient photographs and are for illustrative purposes only. Individual results may vary.