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Before and after bilateral removal (explantation) of previously placed large silicone gel breast implants. This woman had a very slight frame and she originally consented to small sized breast implants performed in another state. She was shocked to wake up and see her breast size!

She lived with them for several years, but came to the conclusion that they just were not her and she consciously made the decision to have her implants removed. They felt heavy and were affecting her posture, exercise and ability to button up tops without the front of the shirt gaping open.

Explantation of saline or silicone gel breast implants can often be done in the office under local anesthesia. This avoids the need for general anesthesia and associated drowsiness afterwards and temporary nausea.

In this patient’s case, her existing scar in the fold under her breast was used to remove the implants. If the original augmentation scar is in the armpit, belly button or areola, a new incision in the inframammary fold is usually required. This allows for the best visualization and easiest removal of the implants.

Follow up photos are shown just one month after surgery. Over the first two weeks, her breast skin began to contract. She is pleased to know that her breasts will continue to shrink to as close as possible to their original breast size. In her situation, she can expect her final results by 4-6 months.


*All photos are actual patient photographs and are for illustrative purposes only. Individual results may vary.

Dr Karen Horton