Before and after bilateral explantation of old saline gel breast implants in a 51 year old woman. She had capsular contracture and a significant animation deformity from her implants being under the muscle. She knew she didn’t want implants any longer; she was in a different stage of life and wanted to not have anything foreign in her body.
She was given the option of deflation of the saline in the office or explantation – since she knew she wanted to move forward, she chose to have her implants permanently removed.
Her implants were removed in the office as an outpatient procedure under local anesthesia, using her existing scar in the fold under her breast. She stopped exercising for two weeks and took only Tylenol for pain after the numbing wore off. No drains were required, and she was able to shower in 48 hours.
Follow up photos are shown two months after surgery. She is happy to have a more natural look and to no longer need to conceal the abnormal former shape of her breasts. She feels normal and natural. Her animation/flexion deformity is gone.
This patient is thin and has some age-related droop to her breasts. She knows she is a candidate for an in-office lift of her nipples and areolas, but for now, she is good!
*All photos are actual patient photographs and are for illustrative purposes only. Individual results may vary.