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Before and after bilateral breast implant removal in a 44-year-old woman. Her implants were placed under the muscle, causing them to sit up too high, particularly on her right dominant side. While she did not have any specific concerns about her implants, she was “sick of them” and ready for a change. She did not have capsular contracture, so capsulectomy was not required.

Her breast implants were removed using her existing inframammary fold scar in the office, under local anesthesia and an oral anti-anxiety medication. She was also offered inhaled laughing gas during the procedure, which did make her giggle!

Her implants were removed in a simple outpatient procedure. During surgery, the implant pocket was inspected and found to be absent of any inflammation or other concerning signs. The patient was shown her implants and allowed to feel them before she left the office. Any implanted device needs to be disposed of after surgery in the medical waste, as it will be naturally covered with skin microorganisms.

Follow up photos are shown one month after surgery. She experienced immediate relief of pain and chronic chest muscle tightness and is now back exercising comfortably. She has started scar therapy and is enjoying this new chapter in her life!


*All photos are actual patient photographs and are for illustrative purposes only. Individual results may vary.

Dr Karen Horton