Before and after bilateral explantation of saline gel breast implants in a 33 year old woman. She felt her implants no longer suited her. She “had fun with them”, but now was looking forward to getting married and starting a family. She wanted a more natural and athletic look.
Since her implants were filled with saline, in-office deflation was an option for this patient. The patient knew she wanted them removed and decided to have explantation rather than just deflation as her best treatment option.
The implants were removed in the office under local anesthesia using her existing scar in the fold under her breast on a Friday afternoon. Postoperatively, she required pain medication for a day and returned to work after the weekend. She stayed wrapped with an ACE wrap for comfort and to encourage breast skin contraction to its new form for a week after surgery.
Follow up photos are shown just two weeks after explantation. Her skin is starting to reshape and she already looks more natural. Her breast skin will continue to contract and look even better over the next two months. She feels she definitely made the right decision for her.
*All photos are actual patient photographs and are for illustrative purposes only. Individual results may vary.