Before and after left inverted nipple correction in a 44-year-old woman with one inverted nipple. Her nipple asymmetry and the fact that only one of them was “out” made her self-conscious and embarrassed. Her goal was to improve her nipple symmetry and the ability to wear a non-padded bra so as to not conceal her right normal nipple.
An inverted nipple correction was performed in the office operating room under local anesthesia with laughing gas and an oral anti-anxiety medication. After surgery, she wore a protective foam “donut” as a splint around her nipple to shield the nipple from any inward pressure.
She resumed exercise two weeks after surgery and only took extra-strength Tylenol for postoperative discomfort. Follow up photos are shown 2 months after surgery. Her nipple incision is still pink in color as it is still healing – the red color will fade as the blood vessels that are busy delivering increased blood flow to fresh healing tissue recede with time.
*All photos are actual patient photographs and are for illustrative purposes only. Individual results may vary.