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Before and after bilateral inverted nipple correction in a 22 year old woman. She wanted both correction of her inverted nipples and a breast augmentation. She was advised that the nipple surgery should be planned first to allow for healing and prevention of nipple bacterial from being stimulated from entering the breast implant pocket during healing. If a breast implant is exposed to bacterial during healing, the breast is at higher risk of developing capsular contracture.

Her inverted nipple repair was planned in the office under local anesthesia. Since she had not had children yet, a conservative approach was taken to preserve a robust connection between the nipple and the milk ducts below. At rest, the nipples remained outward (everted) and became even more erect with touch or stimulation. Thanks to the surgical approach taken, she was relieved to learn that future nursing of babies would likely be possible in the future.

Follow up photos are shown six and a half months after surgery. Six weeks after her nipple correction. She had her breast augmentation that healed well, without any complications!


*All photos are actual patient photographs and are for illustrative purposes only. Individual results may vary.

Dr Karen Horton