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Before and after bilateral nipple reduction in a 39 year old mother. After breast feeding her twins and a third child, her nipples had stretched out, enlarged in size and drooped. She felt they were out of proportion to her relatively small breast size. Her goal was to not wear a bra and to not have to cover her nipples up.

Surgery was planned in the office, under local anesthesia. A nipple reduction trimmed excess nipple tissue from the end of the nipples but kept a proportionate amount of nipple tissue at the base. She maintained normal sensation to the remaining nipple. Although she wasn’t planning to have any more children, she appreciated knowing that future breast feeding would still likely be possible after surgery.

Follow up photos are shown 8 months after her nipple reduction with her nipples at rest. She is very pleased with her smaller nipple size and greatly decreased prominence.


*All photos are actual patient photographs and are for illustrative purposes only. Individual results may vary.

Dr Karen Horton