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Before and after unilateral nipple reduction in a 26 year old woman.  She was born with one nipple larger than the other, which became accentuated after breast feeding her baby.  She felt she had to conceal this prominent nipple with padded bras and she felt self-conscious in intimate situations.

A unilateral nipple reduction can be performed in the office under local anesthesia as a simple outpatient procedure.  Work can resume in a day or two and pain medication is usually only required the night of surgery after the numbing medication (local anesthetic) wears off.  One week off exercise is recommended.

Follow up photos are shown at 2 months after surgery.  She now has symmetry with her other nipple and no longer thinks about her nipple when getting dressed or when she is with her partner.


*All photos are actual patient photographs and are for illustrative purposes only. Individual results may vary.

Dr Karen Horton