Before and after left inverted nipple correction in a 37-year-old woman. She had difficulty breastfeeding her first child with her left breast due to Grade III (the most severe) inversion of her nipple. Although she wanted to have another child, she felt the time was right now to have correction of her inverted nipple so it could better match her other breast – she felt the need to wear a nipple shield to conceal her right nipple in fitted tops.
Inverted nipple correction is a straightforward procedure offered to patients under local anesthesia. We also prescribe an oral anti-anxiety medication and inhaled laughing gas to take the edge off the numbing injection and make the experience as pleasant and easy as possible. After surgery, exercise can resume in around two weeks. Usually, patients require only Tylenol for postoperative discomfort, although we offer a stronger pain medication just in case.
Long-term follow up photos are shown 2 years after surgery. Her second child is now six months old! She was able to breastfeed successfully from her left breast after inverted nipple correction – a joy and delight to everyone! She is incredibly happy with her results and no longer feels self-conscious about only having one nipple showing.
*All photos are actual patient photographs and are for illustrative purposes only. Individual results may vary.