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Before and after bilateral breast reduction with liposuction of the axillary rolls in a 57 year old woman. She had been considering having a breast reduction and lift for years, and finally got up the guts to do it!

Heavy excess breast tissue was removed from the bottom and sides of her breasts. The remaining breast tissue was rearranged into a perkier shape, higher up on the chest. Liposuction removed stubborn fat from her armpit region and back fat/bra roll.

Follow up photos are shown just two months after surgery. Note that her breast tissue now lies ABOVE of the fold of her breasts. Her incisions are just starting to deposit scar tissue and are mildly “hypopigmented” (lighter due to temporary halting of melanin production as dark skin heals). The color will fill in over the next several months.

She still has firm edema at the sides of her breasts and other areas of liposuction (her back) that she understands will take at least 6 months to fully soften. She loves her new breasts and asks herself “why did I wait so long?”


*All photos are actual patient photographs and are for illustrative purposes only. Individual results may vary.

Dr Karen Horton