Before and after breast reduction and liposuction of the axillary rolls in a 26 year old woman. She had extremely large and heavy breasts, with the nipples pointing to the floor. This is known as Grade 3 (on a scale out of 3) “ptosis”, or the most extreme category of breast sagginess.
She had not yet had children, but she wanted to have a better quality of life now! She was unable to exercise, to find tops that fit, and she disliked the unwanted attention her large breasts automatically gave her.
A breast reduction removed much of her extra heavy breast tissue but maintained a strong connection between the remaining breast tissue and her nipples. Her breast was rearranged to a higher position on the chest and a perkier shape. Her areola diameter was reduced and her nipples were lifted.
We preserve an intact blood supply, sensory nerve supply and milk duct supply to the nipple with breast reduction surgery or breast lift surgery. The two functions of the breast, namely ability to breast feed and return of erogenous sensation to the nipples, are very important!
Liposuction was done at the sides of the breasts in the back fat/bra roll area and the armpit region, called the axillary rolls. This additional step enables the scar under the breast to be as short as possible, and it provides the very best aesthetic results.
Breast reduction surgery is usually performed because of macromastia symptoms such as pain, heaviness, pulling or shoulder grooving. Relief of these symptoms is usually immediate! Our goals therefore are purely aesthetic for the final outcome. All women should feel comfortable in their skin and to life the life they want without their breasts getting in the way.
Follow up photos are shown just two months after surgery. Her swelling continues to go down and she has started exercising without difficulty for the first time since puberty. Compare the position of the light brown birthmark under her right breast before and after surgery! She now wears just a soft bralette without underwire, as shown in the last photo.
*All photos are actual patient photographs and are for illustrative purposes only. Individual results may vary.