Before and after bilateral breast reduction and lift with liposuction of the axillary rolls in a 53-year-old woman. Her breasts were out of proportion to her small, athletic frame, and she wanted to be smaller but to stay proportional to her body.
A breast reduction removed nearly a pound and a half of breast tissue from each side, with slightly more removed from the left larger breast. Her remaining breast tissue was reshaped using the auto-augmentation technique. Liposuction removed excess fat from her armpits and bra rolls.
Follow up photos are shown a year and a half after surgery. Her scars are still pink, which means they have increased blood flow since they are still maturing. With time, the scars will fade and flatten further. She loves her breasts and is enjoying doing all the physical activities she felt her breasts limited her from previously!
*All photos are actual patient photographs and are for illustrative purposes only. Individual results may vary.