Before and after bilateral breast reduction and liposuction of the axillary rolls in a 53-year-old woman. Her breasts had always been part of her identity as a curvy and voluptuous woman, but they were now causing strain on her neck, upper back and shoulders. She sought relief of macromastia symptoms but wanted to maintain her identity and a familiar body image.
Over two pounds of breast tissue was removed from each breast. Her breasts were reshaped and lifted, and liposuction was used to remove excess fat from her armpits and bra rolls. She took a full month off work and six weeks off exercise, instead walking for 20 minutes starting at 3 weeks postop.
Long-term follow up photos are shown at 2 years. Her scars are mature and she still feels like herself – “just better”, lighter and refreshed as she enters her mid-fifties!
*All photos are actual patient photographs and are for illustrative purposes only. Individual results may vary.