Before and after bilateral breast reduction and lift with liposuction of the axillary rolls (armpits and bra rolls) in a 17-year-old woman. The size, weight and pendulous hanging nature of her breasts made exercise nearly impossible and finding a bra that fit well an upsetting and universally negative experience.
A breast reduction removed over 3700 grams (over eight pounds) of breast tissue per side! This is a record in our practice for the amount of breast tissue removed in a breast reduction procedure. Early follow up photos are shown 1 month after surgery.
There is temporary loss of melanin (skin pigment) seen in her right areola postoperatively – the pigment will slowly recover, and her areola will begin to look more normal with darker pigment over the next year. She is ready to start scar therapy and start exercising for the first time since puberty without pain!
*All photos are actual patient photographs and are for illustrative purposes only. Individual results may vary.