Before and after breast reduction and liposuction of the axillary rolls in a 52 year old woman. She had significant asymmetry in the size and hang of her breasts. She was unable to exercise effectively and had been thinking about surgery for years. When her sister had a breast reduction and she learned more about the recovery and the results, she finally went for it!
Excess, heavy breast tissue was removed from the bottom and sides of her breasts. The remaining breast tissue was rearranged higher on her chest wall. Liposuction permanently removed fat from the sides of her breasts and the back fat/bra roll region.
Follow up photos are shown 8 months after surgery. Her scars are still pink but have faded significantly. Note the position of her breasts with respect to the central mole on her chest. After her reduction mammoplasty, her breast tissue lies nearly all above her breast fold!
*All photos are actual patient photographs and are for illustrative purposes only. Individual results may vary.