Before and after breast reduction and liposuction of the axillary rolls in a 52 year old woman. She had a curvy frame and did not want to be too small. However, she wanted to lose her breast heaviness which gave her chronic back, neck and shoulder pain. She was tired of physical therapy, which had only helped very little.
A breast reduction removed much of her heavy breast tissue near the bottom and sides of her breasts. Her breasts were reshaped to a more aesthetic shape, and her nipples and areolas were lifted to a higher position. Liposuction removed much of her upper back fat and helped her bra band size to go down four sizes (over 4 inches of fat thickness removed from this area).
Follow up photos are shown over a year out from surgery. She is thrilled!
*All photos are actual patient photographs and are for illustrative purposes only. Individual results may vary.