Before and after breast reconstruction by breast reduction and lift in a 49 year old woman who had previously undergone right lumpectomy, radiation and chemotherapy for breast cancer. Her breasts were asymmetric and pendulous. She was a candidate for a breast reduction which would also serve as her reconstruction method.
A breast reduction reshaped both breasts and reduced their size. Her nipples were lifted significantly, as can be seen by comparison to her right lumpectomy scar before and after surgery.
Early follow up photos are shown two months after surgery. She has just started scar therapy and her swelling on the sides of the breasts from liposuction is starting to go down. Her final results will be evident in another 3-6 months.
It is recommended that radiation be complete for at least a year before any future breast surgery is done to allow for shrinkage of the breast that is inevitable after initial radiation treatment. This patient’s radiation was done many years before, so no additional shrinkage of the breast is expected.
*All photos are actual patient photographs and are for illustrative purposes only. Individual results may vary.