Before and after bilateral explantation and mastopexy in a 62-year-old woman with chronically contracted breast implants. She had failed a prior capsulectomy to remove scar tissue around her implants, rapidly forming scar tissue again. She presented to our office with painful, deformed and hard breast implants – she was “over them” and ready to go back to natural breasts.
She wanted to minimize her surgical recovery and was delighted to learn that breast implant removal could be done under local anesthesia together with a lift of her nipples and removal of excess skin. The scars under her breasts were used to remove the implants. A skin-only mastopexy lifted her nipples, reduced her areola diameter and tucked the lower pole of her breast to create a lift.
Early follow-up photos are shown one month after surgery. The last image shows a long-term follow up photo 8 years later, with long-lasting results, even at age 70!
*All photos are actual patient photographs and are for illustrative purposes only. Individual results may vary.