Before and after right delayed breast implant reconstruction and left balancing augmentation with liposuction of the axillary rolls in a 39-year-old breast cancer survivor. Unfortunately, she was not offered breast reconstruction at the time of her cancer diagnosis. She advocated for herself and insisted that her nipple be saved and requested that her incision be placed in the fold of her breast, as she had researched nipple-sparing mastectomy and techniques used to create the best aesthetic results.
Thankfully, she did not need chemotherapy or radiation. She found our practice online and traveled from her home state for reconstruction. Her aesthetic goal was to be fuller than her deflated post-breast feeding volume – she called her procedure her “Mommy Makeover reconstruction.”
Smooth round adjustable saline breast implants were placed on top of the muscle, in the prepectoral position. They were fully inflated at the time of surgery to their full volume. Liposuction removed excess fat from her armpit region. She stayed in the Bay Area for a month after surgery to ensure smooth healing without any complications.
Follow up photos are shown 1 month after surgery. She is actively massaging her implants and is relieved her nerves are waking up – even on the breast cancer side!
She will keep her implant ports in place for a full year and visit us again in a year for port removal and possible implant exchange from saline to silicone. Silicone gel breast implants are slightly more viscous and have less rippling than saline, feeling more natural.
*All photos are actual patient photographs and are for illustrative purposes only. Individual results may vary.