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Before and after umbilicoplasty in a 36 year old woman. After having children, her belly button had popped out and was always protruding through her shirts. This occurs secondary to separation of the abdominal muscles – known as rectus diastasis.

Since the diastasis was worst just around the navel and she did not have an excess of abdominal skin and fat, a full abdominoplasty was not required. An umbilicoplasty was performed in the office under local anesthesia.
An incision was made around her belly button and the area of muscle separation was exposed two inches above and below the area of protrusion. A permanent suture was used to repair the muscles back together in the midline, as for an abdominoplasty. Additional fat was directly excised around the navel.

The final scar is circular, around the belly button. Swelling is expected for up to a full year after this procedure. Follow up photos are shown 3 months after surgery.


*All photos are actual patient photographs and are for illustrative purposes only. Individual results may vary.

Dr Karen Horton