Before and after umbilicoplasty in a 40-year-old woman. She no longer wore her navel piercing and had stretch marks surrounding her umbilicus from pregnancies.
As part of her Mommy Makeover, an umbilicoplasty removed her old piercing hole and excess skin around her belly button. Excess fat around her umbilicus was also removed, as shown in the umbilicoplasty specimen photo below. A V-to-Y closure was performed to make her belly button rounder and to redrape the excess skin around her navel.
Follow up photos are shown 7 months after surgery. The vertical scar under her belly button will continue to fade with time. She already feels more comfortable showing her midriff in a two-piece swimsuit thanks to her belly button revision!
*All photos are actual patient photographs and are for illustrative purposes only. Individual results may vary.