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Before and after liposuction of the abdomen and flanks in a 49 year old woman. She was planning a breast reduction and wanted to target stubborn fat in her abdominal region at the same time. She knew she didn’t want a tummy tuck with all its downtime; she just wanted to have less fat in her midsection.

Liposuction of the upper and lower abdomen, flanks, pubic region and the upper back fat/bra roll area was done at the same surgery as her breast reduction. Follow up photos are shown 5 weeks after surgery.

Her abdominal contour is greatly improved already! She still has firm areas of swelling called “edema”. These normal areas of swelling congestion are expected and take several months to completely soften.

When liposuction is performed, the fat is removed permanently! As long as she maintains a steady weight, she can expect her results to be consistent. If she loses weight, it will be lost evenly everywhere.

If she gains weight, the remaining fat cells in her stubborn area (the abdomen and flanks) will preferentially store the extra energy in the form of fat. Thankfully, liposuction is an investment and most of our patients are responsible and maintain their awesome results!


*All photos are actual patient photographs and are for illustrative purposes only. Individual results may vary.

Dr Karen Horton