Before and after liposuction of the arms in a 41 year old woman who always hated her arms. She played golf and was fit, but her arms were the “bane of her existence”, just like all the women in her family.
Liposuction of the arms permanently removed her stubborn arm fat in a simple outpatient procedure. She worked from home the first week after surgery and wore compression sleeves under long sleeved shirts for six weeks after surgery (taking them off for sanity breaks). She resumed exercise, including golf, a month after surgery, wearing her upper arm compression.
Arms often take longer for “edema” (firm, sometimes streaky longitudinal lines of swelling) to completely go away. This is likely because the skin is extremely thin in the inner arm area (compared to thicker skin of the back or flanks), and swelling underneath is more clearly seen. Final results after liposuction of the arms takes up to a full year for the final results.
Follow up images are shown two months after arm liposuction. She still has some minor swelling but her arm contour is greatly improved. She is now wearing sleeveless golf shirts, something she would never do before!
*All photos are actual patient photographs and are for illustrative purposes only. Individual results may vary.