Before and after liposuction of the arms in a 34-year-old woman. She was relatively slender and physically fit, but her arms did not reflect her healthy lifestyle. She had a genetic predisposition for “big arms”, thanks to her father’s side of the family.
Liposuction permanently removes excess fat from an unwanted area of the body. This procedure is not for weight loss; instead, liposuction helps with body contouring. Patients seeking fat removal such as liposuction should be as close as possible to their ideal weight before surgery to enable the best results.
Over 500 cc (2 cups!) of fat was removed from each upper arm in a straightforward outpatient procedure. After surgery, she wore compression sleeves for two months after surgery. She resumed exercise when her bruising was all gone, at 3 weeks postop.
Follow up photos are shown 3 months after surgery. You can already see her results taking effect, as her skin continues to contract, as she further builds up her arm muscles.
*All photos are actual patient photographs and are for illustrative purposes only. Individual results may vary.