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Before and after labiaplasty in a 30 year old woman. She experienced discomfort during exercise due to long and redundant folds of her labia minora. She had been considering labiaplasty for a while and she felt comfortable working from home for a week and taking three weeks off exercise at this time in her life.

A labiaplasty removed excess labia minora tissue. During her first few days postoperatively, she took plain Tylenol for discomfort and appreciated having a few doses of anti-anxiety medication to help her sleep. She found the recovery to be easier than expected. The amount of discomfort varies patient to patient – each individual experience is indeed normal!

Early follow up photos are shown just 10 days after surgery. Her mucosa is still swollen and appears “stitched” – this swelling will fade and the sutures will dissolve on their own over the next month. She is already very pleased with the results and is excited to resume exercise in another week and a half.


*All photos are actual patient photographs and are for illustrative purposes only. Individual results may vary.

Dr Karen Horton